Friday, June 10, 2011

Something about 3 Es?

As some people out in the world may know, a little something called E3 happened earlier this week. Through the awesomeness of a friend, I was able to attend all 3 days of the event, and it was amazing. Every booth was visually impressive, and the much fabled booth babes didn't disappoint.
Of course, plenty of the big-name, highly anticipated games were on hand...
As well as a few titles that at least I hadn't heard much about, like Gotham City Impostors...
And yes, I got hands on with that.
I also got to try the game, which was a lot of fun. Kind of like a TF2 take on the Batman universe. Or so I've been told, I haven't actually played any TF2.

Other games I got to try out included: Gears of War 3's Horde Mode, 4 player co-op Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Assassin's Creed: Revelations multiplayer, Dead Island, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, among many others. Those linked were probably my favorite, though not necessarily in the order they were listed.
Yes, that means Skyward Sword didn't quite impress me that much, but I also haven't played a Zelda game since Wind Waker, and I also haven't owned a Nintendo console since the Game Cube.

Unfortunately, there were plenty of things I wanted to see that I wasn't able to for a number of reasons, including: Mass Effect 3, the Wii U tech demo, Rage, and Modern Warfare 3 all off the top of my head right now.

Now I suppose I just have to hope I get lucky next year and get to go again.