Thursday, March 3, 2011

OMG NEW SHOES!!!!!111!!!1!1oneoneeleven!!!

Sort of.
I just ordered myself a pair of these from this place.
My friend works at Zappos and gave me a 20% off coupon. The boots are already cheap enough as it is, and given my weekly Sunday games, and adding to the fact that I seem to slip and fall a lot, I figured I might as well see what a pair of cleats will do for me. Plus, now I shouldn't have to buy another pair of boots for many, MANY years to come. Was I planning to buy more? No, but that's not the point. Perhaps if (when) I move back to Hong Kong and there are more CIS alumni/teacher games, I can actually play.
I'm going to need to work on my stamina and overall fitness, though. Which is why I'm also thinking about getting this, now that I have one of these.
I feel like the first step would be to actually start running first, but then there's always the argument that if I spend the money on the product, I'd have to use it in order to get my money's worth, otherwise I'll have effectively thrown my money in the garbage. Still, I'd rather not fall into that trap because I've done it before with largely negative results.

Come to think of it, I wonder if I'm subconsciously forcing myself to exercise more already? I picked up a new pair of these (though not from that website) a couple weeks back, and have thus far put a fair amount of work into going back to the rings again.

Honestly, what kind of occupational therapist would I be if I didn't take the time to engage in a few of my favorite occupations from time to time? Though I suspect as this OTD project progresses, I'll have less and less time to engage in said occupations, but I'll worry about that when the time comes.

One last thought: Why did I cryptically link everything in this post, without mentioning anything? Am I really hoping my readers will click all the links?
Let's be honest, there are probably 2 or 3 of you out there reading this. The rest of the internet doesn't even know I exist. I don't think I have anywhere near remotely enough internet clout to get away with something like this.
Then again, it's the internet. It doesn't really matter who I am or what I do.

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